Manage your inventory
Know how much inventory you have in stock at all times and schedule regular shipments (or reorder when you run low) to replenish your supply. Have eyes on where your product is located so you can ship out item upon item quickly and efficiently to the customers that need it the most.
Customization options
We want your store to stand out from the rest. That's why we provide a number of customizable elements for you to cherry pick from. Make your site unique to your brand, easily adaptable for mobile devices and unforgettable for your shoppers.
Create a customer loyalty program
We recognize that eCommerce is all about building stronger relationships with your customers for repeat purchases. With our solution, you can create a robust loyalty program in minutes. Automatically track how often your local customers visit and set up expiration dates for points so that they come back regularly to take advantage of the benefits of their loyalty program membership.
Offer product recommendations
After a customer has bought a product, you can provide them with product recommendations based on the items they've already purchased. This feature can help increase the likelihood of customers buying additional products and encourage repeat purchases.
Track customer interactions
Our solution can help you track all interactions with customers, and then leverage that data to provide the personalized service they deserve. Track customer interactions, identify sales and customer trends, and plan for the future. There’s no better way to build customer trust than by perfecting their experience.
High-level encryption and security
When it comes to eCommerce security, your business and your customers’ trust depend on it. This is why you need an eCommerce solution like ours that offers advanced encryption, secure payment processing, and robust security measures.
Dashboard and notifications management
Dashboard cards and notifications are useful as they provide a snapshot view on the business status. By integrating both into one interface, you can get a clear sense of how well your eCommerce business is performing based on metrics such as revenue, number of users, and order activity.
Customized reports
Pull data and analyze it in a way that provides more insight into your sales. You can create custom reports which highlight everything from new customers to the process of the product life cycle.
Bar and QR code generation
Bar and QR codes are what we call “trackable links.” You can generate bar and QR code links for tracking purposes, such as to the product’s details page with additional information like specification sheet and warranty details.
User control and management
User control and management features can be used to restrict access to the site for certain users. By limiting who can access the site, you can protect your data from unauthorized access. It also helps you quickly identify if any user has exceeded their access rights or not been given sufficient permissions at all.
Schedule of Charges
Schedule of Charges is an easy-to-use feature that allows you to create and customize your own pricing schedules. You can charge individually for products, services, or any combination of the two. You can also run sales and offers according to your own SoC.